Thursday, July 31, 2008

Low Standards

To think that McCain's recent political ad against Barack Obama is just the beginning of a nasty battle between the two candidates is somewhat depressing. If there's one thing I detest most about politics it's the slanderous and bitter commercial advertisements that interrupt my evenings. Personally, I care little to nothing about what most of the ads say, especially if they are created solely to make one's opponent look bad.

Bottom line: Tell me what you stand for and quit worrying about the other candidate. The point of a political campaign should be to get one's message out to the public, not to make the other guy look worse than yourself.

Unfortunately, I think our political system and government have become so corrupt that it's hard to tell what anyone truly stands for. Deals are made, and promises are broken in order to get things accomplished....even if it means going about it in an unethical or shady kind of way. Call me naive or old-fashioned, but when did this become acceptable? When did backbiting and hatefulness become ok? Granted most people would agree that such behavior is not okay and would never condone it in their everyday lives. However, most tolerate it when they see it or come into contact with it. The term tolerance according to Merriam-Webster means: 1. a sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own. 2. the act of allowing something. 3. the allowable deviation from a standard. What standard do we hold for our political representatives? Obviously, not a high one.

As the political campaign between McCain and Obama gains momentum, the negative attacks will only become stronger and more frequent. If it's possible, ignore the hatefulness and do your best to sift through the rubbish and discover the truth.

Have a happy Thursday.



maggie said...

this is something that has bothered me for quite sometime about politics in general and it has prevented me from getting to heavily involved until now. while obama may have said some things here and there about his opponent i think it was mostly out of rebuttal and not to tear the other down. which is why i like him. he doesn't give a rip about this tearing each other apart in the media deal. sure he gets in on the act, but his opponents have definitely handed it out way more than he has.

i am not a malicious person. i rarely do things out of spite and i can attribute all of that to God. He never said, "be a complete jerkface to people who don't agree with you." its funny, maybe that's why a lot of Christians who would have normally be all for the GOP are jumping ship. i could be wrong, but i really don't think i am. people are tired of this and they want real answers and real things to happen not just talk. do i know that it will happen with obama? of course not, i am not a prophet, but do i firmly believe that it probably will? yes. because he has taken the time to get to know the people of this country and not just one kind of person either. he's made his presence known just by the sheer fact that he is genuine and actually cares for people. shocking, i know. a politician actually caring about his people that he represents.

Elena said...

I'm baffled that the McCain campaign had the nerve to compare Senator Obama to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. I don't really see the similarities...I dunno, it could just be me.